
《嘜相害》2006∕DV∕21mins 向左走影像工作隊
時間:96年3月24日 星期六 14:00-17:00



STREET SURVIVOR, a short narrative documentary, tells a story about sex workers’ life in Taiwan. The thorough field research from Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters (COSWAS) develops very believable characters in STREET SURVIVOR. The great performance of film and theater actors casts the light on the problem in the policy of abolishing publicly registered prostitutes and the system of the law enforcement. Under the pressure from the upper level government, Taiwanese policemen sometimes set up traps to arrest sex workers to demonstrate their work performance. In STREET SURVIVOR, the first-person voices of a policeman and a sex worker tell us how they try to survive this cruel game on the street……


13:40-14:00 與會來賓報到
14:00-14:10 主持人致詞:劉惠琴(東吳大學心理系主任)
14:10-14:40 《嘜相害》影片欣賞
14:40-15:10 法制與妓權:王芳萍(日日春關懷互助協會秘書長)
15:10-15:50 修法與妓權:陳惠馨(政大法律系教授)
15:50-16:20 休息時間
16:20-16:40 彭渰雯(世新大學行政管理系助理教授)
16:40-17:00 綜合討論