導演 | 藤田修平 製片 | 郭亮吟 攝影 | 劉吉雄 音樂 | 林 強
官方網站 | www.quietsummer.com 部落格 | blog.quietsummer.com

藤田修平 ,《綠的海平線》製片之一 ,曾參與郭亮吟 導演的紀錄片《尋找1946消失的日本飛機》和台灣導演的劇情片等之拍攝製作, 對於台灣的人事物留下深刻印象,並在台灣完成他個人第一部劇情長片《寧靜夏日》,本片將在今年11月在南方影展和台灣觀眾見面,映演場次為

11/5(日)高雄十全戲院 | 高雄市十全二路21號 (07)311-7141
——-購票入場 | 15:00~17:00(製片 郭亮吟+攝影 劉吉雄 參加映後座談)

11/19(日)台南全美戲院 | 台南市永福路2段187號 (06)2224726
——-購票入場 | 15:00~17:00(製片 郭亮吟參加映後座談)



日本男孩 岡村修治(蔭山征彥飾)來到台灣埋葬母親的骨灰,卻意外發現自己有台灣血緣,以及一段被埋藏許久的家族記憶。岡村的旅程伴隨著兩個朋友的故事,一位是在台灣打工的菲律賓人(Renato Oytas 飾),另一位是獨身住在單身退伍軍人宿舍的中文老師(常楓飾),他們除了得面對身在異鄉的疏離,還有現代社會裡無可逃避的孤獨,以及生命中如影隨行的寂寞…. 《寧靜夏日》為日本導演藤田修平以四年的時間在台灣獨立製作的劇情片,也記錄了他個人在台灣的生活觀察和親身體驗。本片曾受邀參加美國的費城影展、韓國的釜山影展、伊朗的 FAJR影展和西班牙的Cinema Jove等國際影展。

Director Shuhei Fujita’s debute QUIET SUMMER tells a story of a young man raised in Japan, who comes to Taiwan to bury the ashes of his mother and finds his Taiwanese background. His travel quietly unfolds the happiness and sadness of a middle-aged Filipino worker and an old Chinese teacher living alone in a poor and single veteran community. QUIET SUMMER is a narrative film but strongly reflects the personal experiences and backgrounds of the director and actors in the society of Taiwan. Quiet summer has been screened at Philadelphia Film Festival(U.S.A), Pusan International Film Festival(Korea), FAJR International Film Festival(Iran) and Cinema Jove International Film Festival(Spain).

導演 藤田修平的介紹


Shuhei Fujita was born in Kobe, Japan. After he majored in English literature in Kyoto University, he went to study filmmaking in USC film school, in which he met Taiwanese filmmakers. They invited him to come to Taiwan for their projects and this was how he started involved in filmmaking in Taiwan. He visited a lot of local families as a researcher and cinematographer for the documentaries. While working in Taiwan, he stayed in the old district of Taipei and shared the difficulties of lives with the Filipino laborers. Inspired by his personal experiences and the stories he encountered, he decided to direct his first feature-length film QUIET SUMMER in Taiwan.Shuhei Fujita recently co-produce the documentary, SHONENKO, with Taiwanese director Liang-Yin Kuo