September 2008

National Museum of Singapore(

October Forum: WWII and its Aftermath: Documentary Film Screenings

Award-winning young Asian documentary film makers present ambivalent wartime experiences obscured in present day East Asia. Screenings followed by dialogue with each film director.

〜ゆふいん文化・記録映画祭2008 東京上映〜

●日時:10月5日(日) 17:20〜19:00


今年、ゆふいん文化・記録映画祭の「第1回松川賞」で、大賞と観客賞をダブル受賞したドキュメンタリー映画・[特別上映] (more…)


活動日期: 2008.09.23 ~ 2008.10.26

1. 一同走過從前-攜手台灣四十年 
2. 打拼:台灣人民的歷史,第六集:覺醒時代 
3. 打拼:台灣人民的歷史,第七集:悲劇未央 
4. 尋找蔣經國,第一集:紅色蔣經國 
5. 尋找蔣經國,第五集:尋找蔣經國 
6. 世紀宋美齡,第二集:奮起與挫敗 
7. 孫立人三部曲,第二集:悲劇將軍 
8. Viva Tonal跳舞時代(電影版),導演:簡偉斯、郭珍弟 
9. 綠的海平線:台灣少年工的故事,導演:郭亮吟 

地點:國立台灣美術館 影音藝術廳(台中)


The Center for Asian American Media is the international distributor for SHONENKO( and it is now available on DVD.

The college purchase price is $250 (USD), plus shipping and handling. Orders may be placed online as well as by phone, fax, mail, or e-mail. We will need a contact name and phone number, shipping/billing address, and payment information (Visa, Mastercard, or American Express). Shipping is $45 (USD) via FedEx International.

Educational Distribution Associate
Center for Asian American Media

145 Ninth Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94103-2641
t 415.552.9550
f 415.863.7428

by Melissa J. Brown, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Stanford University

This brilliant documentary covers an amazingly untold story about WWII, one which reveals insights about the complexity of current relations between Taiwan, Japan, and China. Some 207,183 Taiwanese served the Japanese military during WWII. Most were porters and laborers (there were 126,750 civilian employees), but some (80,433) were soldiers, even in Japanese-occupied China. In 1943-44, over 8,400 Taiwanese boys between the ages of 13 and 20 were recruited for a purported work-study program in Japan and, later, the Philippines. The early recruits were told they would help to build military aircraft and earn degrees enabling them to become engineers after five years, but in fact they became laborers under increasingly difficult wartime conditions, as the US stepped up bombing in Japan and invaded the Philippines.

The extraordinary quality of the film brings out the difficulties faced by these boys. Director Liang-Yin Kuo intersperses interviews of surviving Shonenko and Japanese supervisors and teachers, now elderly men, with personal photographs and letters, official records, vintage film from the war era, and haunting music. The combination movingly documents the pull that the promise of education and high pay had for poor Taiwanese boys and the force of Japanese propaganda campaigns combined with brutal discipline to promote patriotic Japanese “spirit” among Taiwanese colonials. The presentation is in the style of – and as high a quality as – Ken Burns’ series on the US Civil War, but even more effective, since these interviews are with survivors of the war. Excerpts of an interview with one Japanese teacher, scattered throughout the film, are particularly effective, as the man moves from patriotic fervor to tearful shame for having “volunteered” 23 Taiwanese boys for the program, many of whom died. (more…)

【消息來源 : 2008/09/14 emeraldhorizon】


這幾部紀錄片最近在書店被擺在顯眼位置,一字排開,常逛書店的朋友一定會想,「通常這種位置不是只有排行榜的暢銷寵兒才能享用嗎….」 遠流與智慧藏出版紀錄片,不但拉近了導演與觀眾的對話距離,還用心讓產品被看見,增加對紀錄片感到陌生的觀眾朋友接觸到這些影片的機會。


紀工報的林木材在《紀工報第五期》時,專訪了智慧藏出版社美麗熱情可愛的主編 杜麗琴小姐,訪談內容精彩豐富。在此也順便為紀工報宣傳一下!



【消息來源 : emeraldhorizon 2008/9/7】

當工作人員傳給我這個台灣高座少年工的部落格時,我一眼就認出這部落格的格主,因為我除了和佳雯在信義書局旁採訪過他本人,還協助他掃描老照片。但我感到不可思議的是,這部落格真是阿伯自己打字的嗎?我馬上撥了電話過去問候他老人家,得知這部落格真的是他自己買書學做部落格,學電腦打字,一字一字,親自打出來的呢!為了能和年輕世代打成一遍,拉近年輕人和台灣少年工阿伯們的距離,他們的苦心令人感動。(導演 亮吟)



台灣高座會應召募年輕會員以保永存(消息來源 : 台灣高座會 官方部落格 August 31, 2008) (more…)